Unlike a ban, a user can come right back to the channel immediately if they get another invite.
Shortly after you invite your bot, you’ll get a message like this one telling you how to use it. Dyno is designed to help with server moderation, announcements, reminders, and it can even perform Google searches or find music on YouTube. Bots can join your channel and sit in the user list until you call on them with slash commands. To demonstrate how to use bots, we’ll look at one really powerful bot called Dyno. These are a few basic helpful commands, but if you’re running your own server or want to have more fun, you can add bots to your server. The /unflip command will share ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ), and /shrug will put ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ in the channel. /tableflip, /unflip, and /shrug: Some of Discord’s default commands aren’t so much practical as they are fun. The /tableflip command will paste the (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ emoji in the channel.

And yes, this has a huge potential for abuse, so server admins can turn it off. This command lets users send a message that will be read aloud to everyone in the channel using text to speech.

Click the image you want and press enter to send it to the chat room. /giphy : Use this command to find some animated GIFs. The first few results will appear just above your chat box.( Or, in Marked 2, choose Clipboard > Preview )Ĭopy tab-delimited lines as Markdown table.kmmacros (22. In TableFlip, choose File > New from Clipboard.Run the macro to copy and rewrite the clipboard to MD.Select the Excel area or tab-delimited text.This is a JS version – Sierra ES6 JS by default, but you can alternatively activate the pre-Sierra ES5 JS action which I have also put in there (back-compiled from ES6 by Appspot Closure). Here, in the meanwhile, is a version which also adds a Markdown ruler after the first line – useful if you want to paste tables with headers into TableFlip.

You should be able to adapt an earlier KM macro by Chris Stone to do this (for TableFlip, it will need adjusting to flank the pipe characters with spaces). (Pipe-delimited, optionally with a ruler line). I've been experimenting with and found that I needed something to copy tab-delimited text or Excel selections as Markdown tables.